
If it had seemed on Thursday, that the government and public sector trade unions in their respective bank, yesterday, on the last possible date for agreement, turnaround occurred.

It seems, je bil po večmesečnih pogajanjih sklenjen dogovor, which will be the path to the adoption of the budget 2016 lighter. Negotiations have been briefly visited the prime minister Miro Cerar.

Agreement on Measures for labor costs and other measures in the public sector for the year 2016 It was initialed yesterday in the evening, to be signed on Tuesday.

Main focus dogovora so: Civil servants will receive next year higher recovery, They will again receive the highest salary bands. September will released a reduced wage scale, a premium of collective supplementary pension insurance remain the same.

Sindikati so sprva želeli sprostitev vseh “varčevalnih” ukrepov, kar bi pomenilo povečanje mase plač za okoli 400 million euros. In the end, the cost of salaries of civil servants increased by 148 million, recent 10 promised Prime Minister Cerar. The agreement will be valid for one year, the release of the remaining austerity measures are expected negotiations to begin in January.

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