Trade Union of Municipalities of Slovenia Blog,en

Stop alcohol

SAY STOP alcohol in the workplace and DOMA!

you know, that in Slovenia every day, exclusively due to alcohol, On average, the hospital treated 10 people each day die on average at least two people? Per year for both of us dies almost...


Vse najboljše Slovenija!

God's blessing on all nations, Who long and work for that bright 'day,sl, that o'er earth, no strife shall hold its sway, that every countryman free, not the devil, Neighbours! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SLOVENIA!


Pay for annual leave for the year 2016

In the coming days, all employees in the Slovenian municipalities with the May salary received payment for annual leave for the year 2016. Staff, falling: - Up to and including 30. wage grade, get a bonus in the amount of...


Congratulations on Labour Day!

Pred nami je 1. maj – PRAZNIK DELA. Večina se ga veseli tudi po tem, da je dela prost dan in da skupaj še z nekaj dnevi predstavlja za nekatere celotedenske pomladanske počitnice, to...



If it had seemed on Thursday, that the government and public sector trade unions in their respective bank, yesterday, on the last possible date for agreement, turnaround occurred. It seems, je bil...


Preusmeritev elektronske pošte bivšega zaposlenega prepovedana

Preusmeritev elektronske pošte in uporaba službenega elektronskega naslova bivšega zaposlenega po prenehanju delovnega razmerja je nezakonita. Sodišče je pritrdilo stališču Informacijskega pooblaščenca, da delodajalci ne smejo preusmerjati e-pošte oziroma ohranjati aktivnih elektronskih naslovov bivših...