Author: marko



Pred nami je 1. maj oziroma Praznik dela. Večina se ga veseli tudi po tem, da je dela prost dan in da skupaj še z nekaj dnevi predstavlja za nekatere celotedenske pomladanske počitnice, to...

Happy Easter

Happy Easter wishes Trade Union of Municipalities of Slovenia!

NEW PREMISES local authority association SLOVENIA

For the Trade Union of Municipalities of Slovenia in the first month of operation, that have so far been primarily designed primarily organizational tasks. Given the growth in membership was about time, for the needs of the union get new business premises....

Benefits for members of SIOS in utilizing services

We recently on the website (under the heading "Benefits for union members") First post exclusive benefits for members of the Union of Municipalities of Slovenia (term, cosmetic services, Various tourist services, Shopping,…). We would...


Right jubilee

Since, in practice, several happening, that mayors / Mayor of employees either do not recognize the right of jubilee, either it “forget” or you misinterpret the right to acquire jubilee, briefly present the basics Institute...

An agreement on the amount of the lump sum for the year 2015

Negotiators Community of Municipalities of Slovenia are more than fifteen substantive meetings with representatives of various ministries, with the Ministry of Finance, consistently drawn attention to the existing lack of financing for municipalities, delegated legislation without adequate financial resources,...


We wish you a happy holiday and all the best in 2015!

At the upcoming festive season we wish you a lot of satisfaction, success and health. Keep your step resounding, Your word courageous, Your life sparkling and full of hot moments. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year...