Congratulations on Women's Day!
Dear women, Dear women, Dear women, Dear women, Dear women, Dear women, Dear women! Dear women 8. March – Dear women! Dear women, Dear women! Trade Union of Municipalities of Slovenia
Dear women, Dear women, Dear women, Dear women, Dear women, Dear women, Dear women! Dear women 8. March – Dear women! Dear women, Dear women! Trade Union of Municipalities of Slovenia
Dear member / ica Union of Municipalities of Slovenia! Time is upon us again, ko vstopamo v najlepši, zaključni del leta. Čas, ko se bomo premaknili v novo obdobje, experienced new highs and new opportunities. Želimo vam čudovite...
A few days ago, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia published a news item, that it decided on the request for protection of legality against the final judgment of the district court, s katero je bil storilcu prekrška izrečen opomin zaradi prekrška zaradi opustitvi nošenja...
Distinguished members, člani in vsi drugi! Praznik dela je mednarodni praznik delavstva, ki se ga 1. May celebrated annually worldwide,sl. Naj bo 1. maj kot opomin, da nič na svetu ni samoumevno,...
Dear women, today is your day, 8. March, be aware of your size! Trade Union of Municipalities of Slovenia
The Constitutional Court has temporarily suspended the implementation of articles of the Employment and Civil Servants Acts, relating to the retirement arrangements for older workers with the conditions for old-age retirement. Reprezentativne sindikalne centrale so presojo...
SPOŠTOVANE USLUŽBENKE/USLUŽBENCI SLOVENSKIH OBČIN! In recent days, employees from Slovenian municipalities have been turning to the Trade Union of Municipalities of Slovenia again, da na delovnem mestu ob tej vročini delajo v nemogočih pogojih. Heat are the most vulnerable in particular,...
Distinguished members, člani in vsi drugi! Praznik dela je mednarodni praznik delavstva, ki se ga 1. May celebrated annually worldwide,sl. “An honest man never works secretly and is not ashamed of himself, kar...
DEAR MAYORS / hope, DIRECTORS / Director of the municipal / city administration! Na Sindikat občin Slovenije se v zadnjih dneh obračajo številni zaposleni iz občin širom Slovenije, that you do not ensure adequate occupational safety and health at the workplace of the municipality, right...
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