Author: marko

festive greetings,,sl,The biggest,,bs,I award for,,hr,a person 'effort is not what,,sl,This will get him,,sl,but rather,,sl,what,,sl,He will become.,,sl,John Ruskin,,en,Dear Members of the Union of Municipalities of Slovenia,,sl,again ahead time,,sl,when we enter the most beautiful,,sl,final part of,,sl,time,,sl,when we move into a new era,,sl,experienced new highs and new opportunities, and surely also learned something new,,sl,We wish you a wonderful Christmas and at full power,,sl,will and optimism started the new year,,sl,Also to be carefree and determination at your workplace one virtue,,sl,which will contribute zadovoljsto and joy in your life,,sl

Dear member / ica Union of Municipalities of Slovenia! Time is upon us again, ko vstopamo v najlepši, zaključni del leta. Čas, ko se bomo premaknili v novo obdobje, experienced new highs and new opportunities. Beseda srečno ni...

Živel 1. maj

Distinguished members, člani in vsi drugi! Praznik dela je mednarodni praznik delavstva, ki se ga 1. May celebrated annually worldwide,sl. Naj bo 1. maj kot opomin, da nič na svetu ni samoumevno,...


so you can, leading to new places, it can, where everything suffers, it can, leading to new insights and routes, leading to people's hearts. We wish you a nice Christmas holiday...

Vročina na delovnem mestu

SPOŠTOVANE USLUŽBENKE/USLUŽBENCI SLOVENSKIH OBČIN! In recent days, employees from Slovenian municipalities have been turning to the Trade Union of Municipalities of Slovenia again, da na delovnem mestu ob tej vročini delajo v nemogočih pogojih. Heat are the most vulnerable in particular,...

Živel 1. maj – Labor Day

Distinguished members, člani in vsi drugi! Praznik dela je mednarodni praznik delavstva, ki se ga 1. May celebrated annually worldwide,sl. “The work is more important than capital… The capital is the result of work and would not...

Dear women, Dear women, Dear women, Dear women, Dear women, Dear women, Dear women! Dear women 8. March – Dear women! We wish you a lot of everything! Trade Union of Municipalities of Slovenia


May all your expectations be fulfilled, let the beginnings be pleasant, may they be as many as possible and may they bring you much personal satisfaction. Trade Union of Municipalities of Slovenia

Employer measures at high temperatures in the workplace

SPOŠTOVANE USLUŽBENKE/USLUŽBENCI SLOVENSKIH OBČIN! In recent days, employees from Slovenian municipalities have been turning to the Trade Union of Municipalities of Slovenia again, da na delovnem mestu ob tej vročini delajo v nemogočih pogojih. Heat are the most vulnerable in particular,...