Monthly Archive: September 2014
The publication of news about the Trade Union of Municipalities of Slovenia
Even the Community of Municipalities of Slovenia supports our decision to establish a trade union, which will be fought exclusively for the employees of municipalities, which was confirmed by the general meeting a few days ago. We agreed, it will be necessary...
The indebtedness of municipalities is not a problem, problematic wages of employees in the Slovenian municipalities
Board of the Bank of Slovenia, a few days ago dealt with information on public finance developments in the field of local communities in Slovenia, focusing on municipal debt. The size of the debt of municipalities and local government in Slovenia from a macroeconomic perspective...
Možnost izpolnitve Pristopne izjave na spletu
Spoštovani, From 3.09.2014 se lahko Sindikatu občin Slovenije pridružite tudi tako, da izpolnite in oddate pristopno izjavo kar preko spleta. Po prejemu izpolnjene spletne izjave boste na vaš elektronski naslov prejeli sporočilo, s...
Mobbing in the Slovenian municipalities and companies owned by municipalities - a hidden destroyer of interpersonal relationships
Mobbing je pojav na delovnem mestu, pri katerem gre za sistematični psihološki teror, psihično zlorabo, sovražno komunikacijo, nasilje, zatiranje, poniževanje, ki ga izvaja eden ali več posameznikov na drugem posamezniku. Prvi je mobbing preučeval...
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